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Anomalies in call_drop_rate by Network Type

Hover on the anomalies to see details


# of Anomalies

1 Day

Time Scale

32 / 100

Avg. Anomaly Score



Anomalies in In_app_purchase by State

Hover on the anomalies to see details


# of Anomalies

1 Hour

Time Scale

54 / 100

Avg. Anomaly Score



Changes in conversion_rate by Browser

Hover on the anomalies to see details


# of Anomalies

1 Day

Time Scale

59 / 100

Avg. Anomaly Score



Anomalies in spend by Country

Hover on the anomalies to see details


# of Anomalies

1 Hour

Time Scale

44 / 100

Avg. Anomaly Score



Anomalies in payment approval rate by Payment Gateway

Hover on the anomalies to see details


# of Anomalies

1 Hour

Time Scale

51 / 100

Avg. Anomaly Score



Upload Your Own Data

Drag your CSV file here

Upload Instructions
Use a CSV file containing two columns.
First column is the time stamp.
(converted in Epoch converter).
The second column contains numeric values associated with each time stamp.
The file should contain up to 20,000 data points (20,000 rows)
The minimal time difference between two time stamps should be 1 minute

You Haven't Seen Anything Yet

When you utilize Anodot’s capabilities full-time you enjoy these powerful features and much more

Events external to the business (such as holidays, weather, traffic), or to the data (version releases, special sale dates etc.) affect businesses on a daily basis. Taking external events into account is critical both for understanding the root causes of incidents (e.g., version release causing bugs that manifest as anomalies), and to normalize the event’s impact on the data (e.g., Black Friday’s impact on e-commerce metrics). Anodot collects external event data through third party integrations, and runs the relevant algorithms—annual seasonality models, regression models etc.—to normalize their effect.

Metric correlation combines anomalies at the single metric level so the system can consider them simultaneously in order to describe the whole incident. This contextual awareness depends on an initial understanding of related metrics. Numerous learning methodologies can be applied here, with varying accuracy, efficiency, scale and cost. Anodot uses a patented combination of four derivatives of behavioral topology learning: abnormal behavior similarity, naming similarity, normal similarity, and implicit analytics topology. Scale is achieved through algorithmic metric partitioning and grouping, which enables to maintain rapid run time at any scale, without increasing computational costs. Learn More

Scoring anomalies is critical for filtering alerts by significance. Alerts are scored according to deviation, duration, frequency, and other related conditions. But results achieved with statistical tests—which score anomalies only relative to normal—aren’t finely-tuned to the business’s needs. That’s because people tend to perceive anomaly significance not only relative to normal, but also relative to each other. Anodot’s patented anomaly scoring method runs probabilistic Bayesian models to evaluate anomalies both relative to normal based on their anomaly pattern, and relative to each other, to arrive at a more accurate score.

Anodot is built for detection accuracy, reducing false positives and false negatives to a minimum. Alert simulation is used to test the system on historical data in order to fine-tune alert sensitivity pre-launch. Statistical models—such as ratios between metrics and influencing metrics—group and correlate different metrics in order to analyze them according to the specific business context. A patented anomaly scoring methodology, which measures the anomaly delta both relative to normal and relative to other anomalies, filters alerts according to their significance. Learn More

Robust to Changes

Learning every metric’s “normal behavior” is a prerequisite to identifying anomalous behavior. To accommodate this kind of learning in real-time at scale, you’ll want to use sequential adaptive learning algorithms which initialize a model of what is normal on the fly, and then compute the relation of each new data point going forward. Even well known models such as Double/Triple Exponential (Holt-Winters) or ARIMA require modifications to allow sequential learning. At Anodot we developed a sequential update for all model types that are used for the various metric types.

Robust to Different Time Series Behaviors

Metrics exhibit a wide variety of behaviors, patterns and distributions, so no single model can be used to cover all metrics. To allocate the optimal model for each metric, we first create a library of model types for different signal types (metrics that are stationary, non-stationary, multimodal, discrete, irregularly sampled, sparse, stepwise, etc.). Every metric that comes in goes through a classification phase, and is matched with the optimal model. Keep in mind that open source models generally work for stationary metrics only, while tending to produce frequent false-positives and false negatives for other signal types.

Significant anomalies will and do occur across 100% of business data, so achieving a watertight solution—that can also correlate between disparate anomalies to report on incidents in context—requires complete data coverage. Anodot analyzes 100% of the business’s metrics in real-time and at scale by running its machine learning algorithms on the live data stream itself, without reading and writing to a database. Every data point that flows into Anodot from all data sources is correlated with the relevant metric’s existing normal model, and either flagged as an anomaly or serves to update the normal model.

A business monitoring solution can achieve its full value only by covering and correlating between all data streams and metrics, regardless of the business’s original data architecture and silos. Integrating all data sources is essential. At Anodot we rely on turn-key integrations that seamlessly aggregate inputs from storage, databases, analytics, monitoring, APIs and SDKs, CRM and data streams, into one centralized analytics platform.

Real-time business monitoring alerts stakeholders to mission critical incidents, so it’s imperative that notifications are served without delay. This is where integrations with alert channels come in, enabling the system to notify every user through her choice of channel or channels. At Anodot, integrations include—but are not limited to—Slack, API, Email, pagerduty, Jira, Microsoft Teams OpsGenie, and more.

Anodot's features include:

  • First Class User Experience
  • Dashboard
  • Anomaly boards
  • Ratio pairs
  • Influencing metrics
  • SaaS and onPrem deployment types
  • User management

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