Network Monitoring

Plug your revenue leaks

Immediately detect CDR loss, gain early visibility into revenue events, and prevent customer refunds. Anodot alerts you to the mission-critical incidents that impact your revenue streams.

Monitor the data that impacts your revenue

Revenue assurance is a key initiative for your business. To successfully prevent revenue leaks, you'll need to detect anomalies across specific rating groups and plans. Monitor your CDRs for anomalies in:

Volume Counts

Data Usage per APN

Data Usage per Rating Group

Data Usage per Segment

Voice Minutes per Destination Country

Voice Minutes per Interconnect

360° revenue protection

Every year, Telco companies lose 0.5%-1% of revenue to customer refunds and fraud. Revenue loss stems from several sources: customer refunds due to overcharges from system issues, and fraud such as URL changes to “Zero Rated” partner content, SIM Box, PBX fraud, and toll-bypass. Most companies don’t discover these issues until the end of the quarter—and are under a lot of pressure to plug these holes.

Revenue assurance teams need granular data to identify and understand how to prevent revenue leaks, spending weeks of work to aggregate, analyze and correlate the data. While systems can hold data for 60 days, it takes weeks of working with engineering teams, big data teams, billing teams, and customer teams to figure out what is going on.

Pain-free. Powerful. Precise.

Anodot completely changes the game of monitoring your customer experience, turning it into a quick, easy and pain-free process. Simply use our API or one of our built-in data stream collectors. There are no painful integrations or deployments to go through. Within minutes, Anodot learns the normal behavior of every single metric and starts monitoring all incoming data for anomalous behavior.

Get impact alerts on the fly

Get only the alerts you need, when and where you need them. Anodot distills billions of data events into the single, scored, spot-on revenue assurance alerts that are mission-critical to your operation.

Leave alert storms, false positives and false negatives behind. Stakeholders immediately receive alerts-in-context via email, Microsoft Teams, Slack, PagerDuty or even Webhook.

Autonomous & adaptable revenue assurance

Anodot’s AI-driven monitoring is dynamic and adaptive enough to easily accommodate all your revenue assurance activities, while completely freeing you from manual tracking. There’s no need to define what data to look for or when, no manual thresholds to set up or update.

Easily create advanced revenue and fraud monitors right from the alert dashboard.

Stay on top of your revenues, no matter what

Real-time high-
definition coverage

Fastest incident detection
and resolution

Fully autonomous