๐ŸŽ New Features

  • We are happy to announce a new channel – Salesforce Service Tickets. You can now easily turn Anodot alerts into Salesforce service tickets. Documentation can be found here.
  • We have added the ability to authenticate webhooks using Okta.

๐Ÿ—ƒ Improvements

  • We’ve added another metric to our service_usage reporting – data_points. This means you can now monitor the entire Anodot funnel – Data Points –> Metrics –> Anomalies –> Real incidents. How cool is that?
  • We’ve added three additional regions to the snowflake collector – EU (Paris), EU (Stockholm) and UK South (London)
  • We’ve made an improvement to how static lines are displayed in dashboards. From now on – the lines will be displayed regardless of the actual metric values.
  • We now enable making the user field mandatory when providing feedback (even from outside Anodot). This is relevant for customers who do not want to handle anonymous feedback at all.
  • For those of you who are using alert variables in their actions, we’ve improved it such that if you have multiple alerts you can now use the ‘ungroup’ field in the channel to get single value notifications.

๐Ÿ›  Bug Fixes

  • We fixed an error in the Grafana plugin which didn’t show alerts for customers using the new detection engine.
  • We fixed an error in the S3 Parquet files collector which prevented the creation of new streams. We also fixed a broken documentation link in the collector.
  • We fixed an issue with the filtering of dashboards.
  • We fixed an issue which caused negative values to show w/o the minus sign in the alert console tooltip
  • We fixed the ‘Alert close’ notification in the triage timeline. Also – the ‘export timeline’ function can now be accessed from the ‘three dot menu’ in the triage. Have you tried exporting your timeline lately?
  • We made some minor UX modifications to the triage main screen, esp. for static / no-data alerts.

Written by Yariv Zur

Yariv Zur is an industry authority on product management, a former journalist, and a self-described geek. He is VP Product at Anodot and oversees the companyโ€™s ML-based Autonomous Business Monitoring platform. He previously served as VP Product at SAP.

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