
  • K8s Cost & Usage Explorer : each metric in usage graphs now represents sum instead of average, for better accuracy.
  • Cost & Usage Explorer/ Assets : GCP: Aligned filter and columns to be per GCP terminology.
  • MSP: K8S GCP costs are now visible for reseller customers.Login: improved performance of user login to reduce delay.

:hammer_and_wrench: Bugs

  • Recommendations: For EC2 Idle and EC2 Right sizing recommendations, for instances that are initiated only for a short time, the graph was confusing as it indicated zero usage before instance was initiated. This was fixed.
  • Recommendation Reports: ‘Created’ column was renamed to be ‘updated’ to reflect true status.
  • Recommendations: Fixed an issue where filter by tags was not working.
  • Reports: Fixed an issue which prevented some reports to be sent.
  • Reports: when sending a wide report over email, its size is now adjusted to fit screen.
  • Cost & Usage Explorer: Azure: Fixed an issue where group by Sub Meter Category was not retrieving results.
  • Cost & Usage Explorer: Tooltip on graph was displaying wrong dates on a weekly range for the week between last year and 2023.
  • Onboarding: It is now possible to register with an email with multiple dots in the email address.
  • Onboarding: Fixed an issue for user roles while onboarding to reduce dependency on support.

Written by Yariv Zur

Yariv Zur is an industry authority on product management, a former journalist, and a self-described geek. He is VP Product at Anodot and oversees the company’s ML-based Autonomous Business Monitoring platform. He previously served as VP Product at SAP.

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