
  • We made improvements to the way we calculate K8S costs on GCP.
  • Recommendations: Azure VM RI – We fixed a calculation issue of the 3 years plan to offer a more accurate recommendation.
  • We have enhanced the Invoice Generating & Processing for Azure & GCP.
  • MSP: New “Line types” filtering field was added to the Azure Billing rule
  • MSP: Billing Rules now includes the option to exclude Market place fees.

:ladybug:Bug Fixes

  • Cost & Usage Explorer K8s: CPU usage (requirements) for low values were not showing correctly. This is now fixed.
  • Cost & Usage Explorer K8s/ GCP: Fixed an issue of not showing data for filtering on usage in pod hours.
  • Dashboard: Custom Dashboard: some legend items were unchecked by default, this is now fixed and all legend items will be auto-checked.
  • Dashboard: Top 5 Services Cost – Fixed an issue with date range when drill down to graph data.
  • Dashboard Report: We fixed an issue which caused reports to be sent with a filter even if a filter was not defined.
  • Recommendations for GCP: Commitment Use Discount, fixed an issue where commitment type was not specified.
  • Recommendations: We fixed an issue which prevented tag filtering in Azure and GCP.
  • Cost & Usage Explorer: We’ve updated the name of the meter in Azure reports following a change which Azure did.
  • MSP: We fixed an issue which caused for some MSPs to see the same customer twice in the account manager.
  • MSP: Bundle discount are now treated correctly in the re-billing process- credits are removed after all other discounts.
  • MSP: The re-billing process is now fetching EC2 Savings Plans discounts.

Written by Yariv Zur

Yariv Zur is an industry authority on product management, a former journalist, and a self-described geek. He is VP Product at Anodot and oversees the company’s ML-based Autonomous Business Monitoring platform. He previously served as VP Product at SAP.

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