Re-evaluating your CloudHealth investment

VMware CloudHealth, a first-generation cloud management platform, has a strong legacy of delivering value for customers. But, since being acquired by VMware in 2018, innovation within the CloudHealth platform has not kept pace with the evolution of cloud cost management and FinOps practices, and with the Broadcom acquisition of VMware looming, the outlook for CloudHealth is increasingly uncertain.

50% of Anodot cloud cost management customers chose us to replace CloudHealth

Companies like yours are switching to Anodot because they’ve exhausted the return on investment they are able to receive from CloudHealth, and are in need of a next-generation approach to cloud cost management that delivers exponential value atop their cloud investments.

Deepest visibility and insights

Visualize and allocate 100% of your multicloud costs (with K8s insight down to the pod level) and deliver relevant, customized reporting for each persona in your FinOps organization.

Easy-to-action savings recommendations

Reduce waste and maximize utilization with more than twice as many savings recommendations as CloudHealth, highly-personalized to your business and infrastructure with CLI and console instructions for easy implementation.

Continuous cost monitoring and control

Adaptive, AI-powered forecasting, budgeting, and anomaly detection empower you to manage cloud spend with the highest degree of accuracy and relevance, so the right people are automatically alerted to take action when needed to keep your cloud investments on track.

Immediate value

Day one, you’ll know how much you can immediately save, will begin relying on pre-configured, customized reports and forecasts, and can start eliminating waste due to our comprehensive, pre-purchase proof of concept process.

Comparing CloudHealth



Supported infrastructures VMware, AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, K8s AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, K8s
Virtual tagging and cost categorization
Cost allocation Perspectives provide powerful cost categorization, but feature is laggy at scale and targeting is limited Business mappings enable simple assignment of costs by any rule to any business object
Preconfigured, customizable reporting for each persona
Showback and chargeback
Kubernetes Very limited K8s visibility and management capabilities; no savings recommendations Deepest K8s visibility; savings recommendations are still in development
Savings recommendations Very few, basic recommendations across primary services; automatable; savings projections are inaccurate and inflated; no way to mute irrelevant insights
40+ easy-to-action recommendations across many services; configurable preferences; mute irrelevant recommendations; implementation instructions; accurate savings projections
Forecasting and budgeting Inaccurate forecasts frustrate many customers Adaptive, AI-driven forecasting provides highest degree of certainty at multiple levels of granularity
Anomaly detection and management Configure email alerts based on basic detection of anomalous activity that deviates from historical trend; Does not differentiate between noise and impactful activity
Fully-automated AI detects anomalies in near real-time and alerts the appropriate teams only when risk is meaningful, enabling quick response and resolution
Extensibility Multiple, fractured APIs leave much data inaccessible; supports Datadog and more as data sources Single, robust, easy-to-use API; Data source integrations in development
Scalability User interface lags at scale and some features have upper scale limitations Unlimited scale to meet the enterprise demands
Ease of use Frustrating, laggy interface, but visually-pleasing Intuitive, responsive, and visually-pleasing interface
Pricing Unpredictable, dynamic pricing taxes customers based on 3% of all cloud spend; provided at low cost by MSPs Predictable, flat pricing based on large, capped tiers of cloud spend; provided at low cost by MSPs
Outlook CloudHealth was acquired by VMware in 2018, precipitating a slowdown in product innovation. Broadcom acquisition of VMware puts the future of the CloudHealth product in doubt
Anodot has recently doubled the size of the team supporting their FinOps product and publishes a public-facing roadmap that promises rapid innovation

CloudHealth’s new name

In September 2022, VMware announced that it was enclosing CloudHealth within its Aria suite, separate from the main VMware Aria Automation and VMware Aria Operations products as the standalone cloud cost tool. CloudHealth FinOps would also receive a new name, VMware Aria Cost powered by CloudHealth (CloudHealth).

CloudHealth’s popular cloud security capabilities are now part of VMware Aria Operations for Secure Clouds, while the FinOps capabilities remain separate.

This actually the second or third time VMware has attempted a renaming of CloudHealth since acquiring the tool in 2018.

What analysts and customers are saying about CloudHealth alternatives

GigaOm named Anodot a fast mover and challenger in their 2022 Radar Report for FinOps:

“[Anodot] exceeds the market on normalizing billing across cloud vendors, which allows it to excel at identifying cost reduction opportunities”
— GigaOm

Written by Anodot

Anodot leads in Autonomous Business Monitoring, offering real-time incident detection and innovative cloud cost management solutions with a primary focus on partnerships and MSP collaboration. Our machine learning platform not only identifies business incidents promptly but also optimizes cloud resources, reducing waste. By reducing alert noise by up to 95 percent and slashing time to detection by as much as 80 percent, Anodot has helped customers recover millions in time and revenue.

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