What is Cloud Cost Optimization?


Cloud cost optimization is the process of reducing an organization’s cloud spend while minimizing impacts to performance and scalability. While the cloud offers scalability and services like automated and elastic resource scaling, it’s essential to understand that the main driver for cloud cost is the reserving of services and not just the services used.

Elastic service offerings from AWS and Azure can significantly simplify the scaling of resources. Still, they can also massively raise costs when compared to an organization proactively reserving the resources it knows it needs.

Cloud optimization requires continuous improvement to eliminate cloud resource waste and right-size resource acquisition in alignment with the infrastructure and services the organizations need. It is a discipline that requires a cultural shift towards financial accountability, better forecasting, and robust tools and techniques to eliminate cloud waste.

This is part of an extensive series of guides about DevOps.

Why Should You Prioritize Cloud Cost Optimization?


Prioritizing cloud cost optimization is crucial for several reasons: 

  • Directly impacts your bottom line: By optimizing cloud spending, organizations can reduce their operating costs and improve overall financial performance.
  • Better value for money: By carefully analyzing and managing cloud resources, you can avoid over-provisioning and underutilization, ensuring that you’re only paying for what you actually need.
  • Better financial predictability: With proper cost management, organizations can avoid unexpected expenses and budget overruns, leading to more accurate financial planning and forecasting.
  • Improved business agility: By leveraging cost-efficient cloud resources, organizations can quickly adapt to changing market conditions and scale their operations without excessive costs. 
David Drai

David is dedicated to helping companies uncover business insights with AI analytics, backed by a strong background in leading tech innovations.

What Is FinOps?


FinOps, short for Financial Operations, is a cultural practice and a set of processes aimed at bringing financial accountability to the variable spend model of cloud computing. It bridges the gap between the technical and financial teams in an organization, ensuring that cloud expenditures are tracked, managed, and optimized.

FinOps involves real-time monitoring of cloud usage and spending, enabling organizations to make informed decisions about resource allocation. It promotes collaboration between the finance, operations, and engineering teams to ensure that cloud resources are used efficiently.

A key aspect of FinOps is the adoption of a proactive approach to cloud cost management. This includes setting up budgets, forecasting future cloud spending, and identifying areas where cost savings can be achieved. 

Related content: Read our guide on cloud observability.

What Are Cloud Cost Optimization Tools?


Cloud cost optimization tools are software solutions designed to help organizations manage and reduce their cloud spending. They offer a range of features to monitor, analyze, and optimize an organization’s cloud usage.

Key capabilities of cloud cost optimization tools include:

  • Detailed visibility into cloud expenditure: Dashboards and reports highlight where and how cloud resources are being used, making it easier to identify areas of waste and inefficiency.
  • Automated recommendations for cost savings: For example, these tools can suggest rightsizing of instances, identifying idle resources, and recommending reserved instances or savings plans. By implementing these recommendations, organizations can achieve cost reductions without compromising performance or scalability.
  • Continuous monitoring and alerting: Cost optimization tools can notify users of unusual spending patterns or cost anomalies, allowing for quick action to prevent budget overruns. 
  • Tracking spending against budgets: Most tools offer capabilities for setting budgets, tracking spending against these budgets, and enabling improved forecasting and budget planning.
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Cloud Cost Optimization Best Practices

1. Understand the Organization’s Usage Patterns and Seasonality

A thorough understanding of the organization’s cloud usage patterns and seasonality is the foundation of effective cloud cost optimization. Start by collecting and analyzing historical usage data to identify trends, peak usage times, and seasonal variations. This analysis should cover metrics such as CPU utilization, memory usage, storage consumption, and network traffic. 

By mapping out these patterns, organizations can predict future demand more accurately. For example, if an eCommerce platform experiences a surge in traffic during the holiday season, the organization can prepare by provisioning additional resources ahead of time. During periods of low activity, resources can be scaled down to reduce costs. 

Cloud provider tools like AWS Cost Explorer or Azure Cost Management provide basic insights into these usage trends. Third-party tools can provide more advanced insights and AI-powered forecasting.

2. Implement Tagging and Cost Allocation

Effective tagging of cloud resources is a foundational practice for accurate cost tracking and attribution across different teams, departments, or projects. Establish a robust tagging strategy that mandates tags for key dimensions such as resource owner, environment (development, testing, production), project, and cost center.

Utilize these tags to accurately allocate costs and generate detailed billing reports that provide stakeholders with clear insights into their cloud expenditures. This practice not only promotes financial accountability but also supports departments in managing their budgets more effectively by making cost implications of their cloud usage transparent.

3. Learn How to Right-Size

Right-sizing is the process of adjusting the size and capacity of cloud resources to match the actual needs of workloads, avoiding over-provisioning or under-utilization. Begin by conducting a thorough review of the current cloud resource usage. This involves analyzing performance metrics and usage statistics for all instances, databases, storage, and other resources.

Native tools provided by cloud service providers offer recommendations on the optimal instance types and sizes for each workload. For example, AWS offers the AWS Compute Optimizer, which provides recommendations for right-sizing EC2 instances based on historical usage data.

Implement a regular review process to continuously monitor resource utilization and make adjustments as necessary. For example, if you discover that a particular instance is consistently underutilized, consider downgrading to a smaller instance size or consolidating workloads to fewer instances. If an instance is overutilized, scale up or distribute the load across instances. 

4. Identify and Eliminate Unused Resources

Unused or idle resources, often referred to as “cloud sprawl,” can quickly lead to unnecessary expenses. Establish a routine process for identifying and eliminating these resources. This includes periodically scanning for and terminating idle instances, unused storage volumes, unattached IP addresses, and outdated snapshots.

Implement automated policies and scripts to help manage this process. For example, use AWS Lambda functions or Azure Automation runbooks to automatically identify and delete unused resources. 

Implement resource tagging to organize and track cloud assets. By tagging resources based on their environment (e.g., development, testing, production) and owner, organizations can more easily identify which resources are no longer needed and take action to decommission them. Regularly review the cloud environment to ensure that no resources are being overlooked. 

5. Monitor and Correct Anomalies

Continuous monitoring of the cloud environment is essential to detect and address anomalies in usage and spending. Set up real-time alerts and notifications for unusual spikes or drops in resource usage and costs. Cloud provider tools like Amazon CloudWatch and Azure Monitor allow you to set up alerts for obvious deviations from expected spending patterns.

Advanced cloud cost optimization tools provide anomaly detection algorithms that can automatically identify deviations from normal usage patterns. When anomalies are detected, investigate the root cause promptly to determine whether they are due to legitimate changes in demand or misconfigured resources. For example, an unexpected spike in storage costs might be caused by an application error that is generating excessive log files.

6. Leverage Infrastructure Automation

Automation enables organizations to manage resources more efficiently and reduce manual intervention. Use infrastructure-as-code (IaC) tools like Terraform, AWS CloudFormation, or Azure Resource Manager to automate the provisioning, scaling, and management of cloud resources. Ensure these tools automatically apply tags to resources to enable cost management.

Implement auto-scaling policies to dynamically adjust resource allocation based on real-time demand. For example, configure auto-scaling groups to add or remove instances in response to changes in CPU utilization or request rates. This ensures that the organization is only using the resources needed at any given time.

Additionally, automate the enforcement of cost-saving policies. For example, set up automated scripts to shut down non-critical environments, such as development and testing, outside of business hours. Use automated billing alerts to notify teams of any unexpected cost increases.

7. Choose the Right Storage Solutions 

Each cloud provider offers multiple storage options, each with its own cost and performance characteristics. Begin by assessing your organization’s data storage requirements, considering factors such as data volume, access frequency, performance needs, and compliance requirements:

  • For frequently accessed data, use high-performance storage solutions like Amazon EBS (Elastic Block Store) for EC2 instances, or Azure Managed Disks. These options offer low-latency access and are suitable for databases and applications requiring fast read/write operations. 
  • For less frequently accessed data, consider using cost-effective storage solutions like Amazon S3 Standard-IA (Infrequent Access) or Azure Blob Storage Cool. These options provide lower costs for data that does not require immediate access.
  • For long-term data retention, consider archival storage solutions like Amazon S3 Glacier and Azure Blob Storage Archive. These services offer the lowest cloud storage costs, and are designed for data that is rarely accessed but must be retained for regulatory or business reasons. 

8. Avoid Overreliance on Elastic Solutions 

Elastic solutions, such as auto-scaling groups and serverless computing, offer flexibility and scalability by automatically adjusting resources based on demand. While these solutions can help manage variable workloads and optimize performance, they should not be seen as a substitute for proactive cloud cost management.

Elastic solutions like AWS Auto Scaling, Azure Scale Sets, and Google Cloud AutoScaler can dynamically adjust the number of instances based on traffic and usage patterns. Similarly, serverless services like AWS Lambda, Azure Functions, and Google Clod Functions automatically scale based on the number of incoming requests. 

However, relying solely on elastic solutions can lead to unexpected cost spikes if not properly managed. It is essential to set appropriate scaling policies and thresholds to prevent over-provisioning during sudden traffic surges. Regularly review and adjust these policies based on actual usage data and performance requirements.

9. Use Reserved Instances

Reserved Instances (RIs) offer cost savings for predictable workloads by allowing organizations to commit to using specific instances, typically for a one- or three-year term, in exchange for a lower hourly rate, with discounts of up to 72%, depending on cloud provider, the term, and your ability to pay an upfront cost.

Start by analyzing the organization’s historical usage data to identify steady-state workloads that run continuously or for extended periods. These workloads are suitable for RIs. For example, if a production database runs 24/7, committing to an RI for that instance can result in substantial cost savings compared to on-demand pricing.

Choose the right type of RI for the workload: 

  • Standard RIs provide the highest discount but require a specific instance type and region
  • Convertible RIs offer flexibility to change instance types within the same family
  • Scheduled RIs reserve instances for specific time periods

10. Use Savings Plans

Savings plans offer another cost-effective way to reduce cloud spending by providing flexible pricing models that apply discounts to the usage of any instance family in any region, thus allowing more flexibility than Reserved Instances. For example, on AWS, organizations can choose between Compute Savings Plans, which offer the greatest flexibility by applying discounts to a wide range of services, and EC2 Instance Savings Plans, which provide lower costs for specific instance usage.

To maximize the benefits of Savings Plans, organizations should analyze their historical usage patterns to identify predictable, long-term workloads that align with the commitment terms of the plans. By committing to a specific amount of usage, typically measured in dollars per hour, organizations can benefit from significant discounts while maintaining flexibility in their infrastructure. Regularly reviewing and adjusting Savings Plans commitments based on changing usage patterns ensures continuous optimization of cloud spending.

11. Use Spot Instances

Spot Instances take advantage of unused cloud capacity at significantly reduced rates compared to on-demand instances. These instances are suitable for flexible, interruptible workloads that can tolerate sudden termination, such as batch processing, big data analysis, and CI/CD pipelines.

To use Spot Instances effectively, start by identifying workloads that can handle interruptions. Implement fault-tolerant and resilient architectures that can quickly recover from instance terminations. Use cloud provider features like Spot Fleets or Spot Instance Groups to automatically replace terminated instances and maintain desired capacity.

Configure the relevant applications to handle interruptions gracefully. Use checkpointing, job queueing, and state management techniques to ensure that work can resume from the last known state without significant loss of progress. 

12. Optimize Network Costs

Network-related expenses, often overlooked, can significantly inflate overall cloud costs, primarily due to data transfer and bandwidth utilization. To manage these costs effectively, start by conducting a comprehensive analysis of traffic patterns and network configurations across your cloud environment. Pinpoint activities that incur high data transfer charges, such as cross-region or cross-AZ (Availability Zone) data movements, which are often more expensive.

Adopt Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) such as Amazon CloudFront, Azure CDN, or Google Cloud CDN to reduce costs and improve data access latency by caching data geographically closer to end-users. Whenever possible, choose intra-region or intra-AZ data transfers to avoid the higher charges associated with inter-region or inter-AZ traffic.

Implement monitoring systems and set up alerts to keep track of network costs, ensuring that any unusual increases can be addressed promptly. These alerts can help in adjusting settings or architecture to stay within budgetary limits while maintaining performance standards.

13. Consolidate Billing Accounts

Consolidating multiple cloud accounts under a single billing entity can streamline cost management and often unlocks additional discounts. Evaluate the organization’s cloud accounts to determine opportunities for consolidation.

Centralized billing facilitates better visibility into overall cloud spend and simplifies the management of budgets and cost allocations. It also helps in achieving volume discounts and better negotiating terms with cloud providers.

Anodot for Cloud Cost Management


Cutting cloud costs means eliminating waste. Anodot offers cloud cost management solutions with real-time monitoring and tailored recommendations that help businesses gain control of their cloud spend.

Robust visibility features allow spending and usage tracking across multi-provider cloud stacks with highly intuitive custom reports and dashboards. AI and ML-based anomaly detection and correlation quickly identify the source of anomalies and spikes and provide real-time alerts to help companies avoid unnecessary expenses. Robust forecasting features autonomously analyze cloud usage data to provide accurate and yearly forecasts and easy-to-use savings recommendations.

Learn more about Anodot for cloud cost optimization.


See Additional Guides on Key DevOps Topics

Together with our content partners, we have authored in-depth guides on several other topics that can also be useful as you explore the world of DevOps.


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Written by Perry Tapiero

Perry Tapiero is an experienced marketer specializing in demand generation across diverse B2B verticals such as AdTech, FinTech, and Cyber. With a focus on driving revenue and growth, Perry excels in developing and executing effective Go-To-Market strategies.

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