In a recent post on The Next Web, Sivan Baram discusses how automation technologies are becoming more and more integrated into our everyday life. She actually says these innovations will “revolutionize” the future.

Movers and Shakers in Job Search and Marketing Automation

In discussing the different ways that automation is more and more becoming part of our everyday lives, Sivan touches on the use of automation in areas like job search with new smart tools that make it easier for employers and relevant candidates to find each other. She goes on to cover automation in marketing using tools that reduce human involvement while maximizing conversions.  

Anodot Leading the Way for Automated BI

We were excited to be included in the article when she discusses automated business intelligence. Anodot CEO and co-founder David Drai explained where the idea for Anodot’s real-time anomaly detection solution came from when he was working in a previous company and experienced frustration with the limitations and inflexibility of traditional BI tools.

David goes on to explain how traditional solutions require BI analysts to know what questions to ask and exactly what to look for in order for them to work. As technology has advanced and the amounts of data that companies process have grown exponentially, this method is no longer effective. And so, Anodot has introduced a completely new paradigm for Big Data. As David explained to Sivan, “Anodot uses its patented machine learning algorithms to ask all the possible questions, and then provide insights based on what it surfaces as interesting.”

Automating our Lives

His prediction? David says that “as the future becomes automated, the systems automating our lives are going to need lightning fast intelligence on a broad range of business operations, and user experiences.” And we, here at Anodot, are ready to deliver.

Read the rest of Sivan’s article to learn more about how automation is certainly becoming one of the hottest technological advancements and Anodot is leading BI innovations.

Written by Anodot

Anodot leads in Autonomous Business Monitoring, offering real-time incident detection and innovative cloud cost management solutions with a primary focus on partnerships and MSP collaboration. Our machine learning platform not only identifies business incidents promptly but also optimizes cloud resources, reducing waste. By reducing alert noise by up to 95 percent and slashing time to detection by as much as 80 percent, Anodot has helped customers recover millions in time and revenue.

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