Our Cloud Cost platform just got some practical upgrades to help you manage cloud costs better and boost your operational efficiency. Curious about the new features? Let’s jump right in!

Forecast in ChatGPT

Interacting with cloud cost data just got easier and smarter. Ask any cost-related question using natural language, and let CostGPT do the rest. It instantly delivers insightful visualizations and forecasts of your cloud costs.
Our AI-powered forecasting accurately predicts future spending based on your historical data, making cloud spending insights more accessible and actionable than ever.

Anodot Cloud Cost Update: Forecasting CostGPT and AWS Recommendations


IPv4 to IPv6 Transition

Big changes are happening in AWS’s IP management, with AWS’s recommendation regarding the migration from IPv4 to IPv6.
Since February 1, 2024,  IPv4 addresses incur hourly charges, making a switch to IPv6 more necessary than ever. his transition isn’t just about cost savings; it also brings better performance, enhanced security, and improved scalability.

Use AWS’s latest tools along with Anodot’s analytics to manage this shift smoothly and efficiently.

Anodot Cloud Cost Update: Forecasting CostGPT and AWS Recommendations

AWS ECS Fargate Right-Sizing

Efficiency is key in cloud management, and our latest recommendation for AWS ECS Fargate right-sizing is all about optimizing resource utilization.
This update guarantees you’re using the right resources in the right way, reinforcing operational efficiency and driving down costs.
With Anodot’s tools, right-sizing your ECS tasks on Fargate can lead to potential cost reductions of 30-70%.
For more details on how to cut costs, read our comprehensive AWS recommendations documentation.

Explore the details in our comprehensive AWS recommendations documentation. And if you’re keen for more info, why not book a demo tour today?

Written by Perry Tapiero

Perry Tapiero is an experienced marketer specializing in demand generation across diverse B2B verticals such as AdTech, FinTech, and Cyber. With a focus on driving revenue and growth, Perry excels in developing and executing effective Go-To-Market strategies.


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